Tuesday, July 6, 2010

i have good questions to ask the world. if you can answer, please, please do!

1) if you have multiple personalities, and you kill yourself, is it considered suicide or homicide?

2) why is it when you ask people 'if you can only hane one thing with you on a deserted island,what will you bring?' and people never say 'a boat'?

3)on facebook, what is the point of the poke button?

4) when a person chokes, they turn blue, when smurfs choke, what colour do they turn into?

5) if one synchronised swimer drowns, do the rest end up drowning as well?

6)who is the sock thief and why do they steal one at a time?

think thats about it. i wanna know, but i can'f figure it out!!!!! and yes, i lost one sock...:(

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